International Visitors

Virginia Tech departments agreeing to host an international delegation/visitor on campus must take the following steps to plan their visits and ensure that the visit is approved and in compliance.
Memo from Vice President Guru Ghosh and International Visitor Guidelines
Step 1: Complete and submit the Non-Immigrant Export Compliance Questionnaire along with Foreign Nationals' CVs/Resumes to the Office of Export and Secure Research Compliance (OESRC). Two options are available: 1) online submittal or 2) completion and submittal of the paper form. Detailed information regarding this process can be found on the OESRC website.
Step 2: If an invitation letter is required for the delegation, departments are allowed to issue invitation letters only after receiving clearance from OESRC. OESRC includes a template of the invitation letter when sending the departments an approval email. The Invitation Letter Template may also be found here.
Step 3: Departments paying an honorarium and/or planning to reimburse expenses for a visitor, need to contact Kimberly Myers at 540-231-7586 prior to the visit to receive the proper forms to be completed and submitted.
Step 4: Departments whose delegations include a president, dignitary, or other high-level official or departments requesting an MOU ceremony or meetings with the Virginia Tech president, provost, vice president for Outreach and International Affairs and/or associate vice president for international affairs need to complete and submit the Request for Administrator Meetings for International Visitors Form VPOIA-001.
For assistance in planning your visit: Please use the Departmental Checklist for International Visitors, Form VPOIA-002 and template itinerary.
Global Strategic Services: The office of Global Strategic Services provides assistance with regard to Foreign Nationals, International Agreements, Phi Beta Delta to name a few. For a complete list of their services, please visit the Global Strategic Services website.